For a very affordable price point comes a server with a bit rate up to 128k and with a number of slots (contemporary listeners) very high, up to 500 slots.
The amount of traffic available in the calendar month is 250 Gigabyte and anytime you can buy in advance a charge (in further blocks 250 Gigabyte) if it were not enough to meet the needs. Freedom Server is ideal for small / medium radios that do not have a very high number of listeners but that on the occasion of special events (direct concerts, studio guests, events, etc.) need not have low limits of listeners.
The bandwidth limit is calculated on a calendar month and will be reset on the 1st of every month. In fact a freedom server rechargeable. If during the current month is reached 80% of the bandwidth of traffic permitted, an email will notify the customer that can buy a refill for use until the end of the same month for streaming rechargeable. At the end of the calendar month all gigabytes unused will be lost.